Monday, March 26, 2012

Hunger Games and Fishing

I'm sure by now EVERYONE has heard of the Hunger Games, if you haven't then you need to come out from under that rock you have been living under!  Tanner and I read all 3 books a while back and absolutely loved them!  It took us less than a week to read the whole series, yes, they are that good.  We have waited and waited for the movie to be realeased.  It has been one of those, that there had to be complete silence everytime the previews played.  We went and saw it Saturday afternoon and LOVED every minute of the movie.  I thought they did a pretty good job at following the story line.  They did show something that you don't find out about until the second book but it worked out just fine!

We went furniture shopping this weekend, mainly for a recliner and finally found the best one in the whole world.  This chair was like being on a cloud.  It was by far the most comfortable thing I have ever sat in.  If I had closed my eyes when I reclined, for longer than a blink, then I would have gone right to sleep. 

Yesterday, was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day.  One of the prettiest days in a while.  Of course, it has been pretty nasty here lately with all this rainy weather and storms!  Since it was such a nice day, Tanner and I decided to go fishing.  We picked up the bass boat and went to Lake Point A in Andalusia.  There was a small crowd but we were able to get away and go to the little cove that Tanner likes.  Out of the 6 hours that we were on the water, we caught 0 fish!  But that was OK, we still had lots of fun.  We enjoy anytime that we are able to spend together.  We came home with some wonderful tan lines!  My left arm got way more sun that my right arm.

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